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    To work for the primary prevention is an important professional and social function for us.

    This has three main fields:

    1. Primary prevention of discopathy (work started in 1995)
    2. Daily physical education (work started in 1995)
    3. Holistic health promotion (HHP) in schools (work started in 2003).

    (Of course HHP in schools does contain also the primary prevention of discopathy and daily physical education.)

    We are working in strong cooperation with the Departments for Education and for Health (since 2010 both in one ministry, the Ministry of Human Capacities).


    Dr. med. Annamária Somhegyi Ph.D.
    (Specialist in rheumatology and physiotherapy)


    Director for prevention of the National Center for Spinal Diseases,
    and National coordinator in Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) Network, WHO


    e-mail: annamaria.somhegyi@bhc.hu
    phone: +36 30 202 5317

    Primary prevention of degenerative diseases of the spine


    Daily physical education (DPE) in Hungarian schools

    Holistic health promotion (HHP) in Hungarian schools