2022-12-08 16:15 || 1.0.0
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  • Telefon: (+36) 1 887-7901 | E-mail: info@ogk.hu
    Magas kontrasztú nézet

    Complaint handling

    It is of paramount importance for National Center for Spinal Disorders that our customers are satisfied with our services and the work of our colleagues. However, in the course of our operation, there may be cases when, despite our best intentions, a disagreement or complaint arises.

    Our goal is to settle disagreements and complaints quickly and in a way that is reassuring for both parties.

    Please send your complaint or opinion to info@ogk.hu, in which you briefly describe the case, its date and place, and any information you consider relevant to the handling of the complaint. Please also provide your name, email address and telephone number.

    Within 30 working days of receiving your complaint, our colleagues will contact you to resolve the matter.

    Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation!

    We wish you good health!

    National Center for Spinal Disorders