2022-12-08 16:15 || 1.0.0
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    The Center grew out of the Semmelweis University of Medicine Department of Spinal Surgery and Rehabilitation in 1995, was under the direction of the Central Army Hospital for several years, then integrated into the State Health Center becoming wholly independent in 2005. Presently, it is under the direction of Peter Paul Varga, MD, its original founder.

     Corridor of the ambulance of the National Spinal Medicine Center.

    The Center grew out of the Semmelweis University of Medicine Department of Spinal Surgery and Rehabilitation in 1995, was under the direction of the Central Army Hospital for several years, then integrated into the State Health Center becoming wholly independent in 2005. Presently, it is under the direction of Peter Paul Varga, MD, its original founder.

    General and orthopedic surgeons, trauma and neurosurgeons, rheumatologists, anesthesiologists, intensive care doctors, radiologists, psychologists as well as other specialties (i.e., urologists, gynecologists, neurologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, etc.) make up the able staff experienced in examining and treating spinal disorders.

    The Center has become known worldwide gaining international recognition for its complex method of reasoning behind the treatment of spinal disorders and the orthopedic and philosophical innovations that have come out of the Center to later become universally accepted methods of treatment of the spine.