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    Scientific activity

    The National Center for Spinal Disorders also has an important role in the spine care scientific community and our surgeons are active in national as well as international organizations often appearing as guest lecturers at various conferences at home and abroad.

    Several of our surgeons are involved in projects in the basic and applied research areas, conducted by leading companies involved in spinal surgery innovations. The backbone of our research and development is provided by large scientific projects realized through international cooperation.

    Biomechanics (In Silico Biomechanical Laboratory)

    MySpine project (European Union FP7, 2011-2014)

    Experimental and numerical analysis of mechanical changes in spine segments, due to operative and non-operative treatments (OTKA, 2008-2014)


    STABILITY: in silico 3D simulation studies toward the patient-specific intervention for specific forms of spinal instability (OTKA 2017-2021)

    Molecular biology

    Molecular oncogenesis in human chordoma: targeting early diagnosis and effective therapy (OTKA, 2012-2015)

    Transcriptional profiling of spinal chordoma (Eurospine Research Task Force)

    Role of brachyury gene variants (AOSpine)

    Genodisc project (European Union FP7)

    Clinical spine medicine

    Predictors of Mortality and Morbidity in the Surgical Management of Primary Tumors of the Spine (AOSpine, 2011-2012)

    Adaptation and validation of questionnaires about spinal disorders into hungarian

    COMI Back 

    Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire 

    Oswestry Disability Index 

    Pain Catastrophizing Scale 

    QUEBEC Back Pain Disability Scale

    Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire

    Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia

    The Keele STarT Back Screening Tool 

    Clinical trials

    STRIVE clinical research (2017-)
    Regeneron study (2016-)
    EPOSO study (2015-)
    Position study (2013-) 
    APOLLO study (2011-2015)
    Approach study (2011-2013) 
    Prestige study (2009-2013) 
    Acadia Facet Soluiton study (2008-2011) 
    Barricaide study (2005-2011)
    PTRON study 


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